Kiwi Aversion Training
If you have a dog and visit the Remutaka Forest Park for hunting or recreation you need to get it avoidance trained.
It takes about 15-20 minutes to get your dog "kiwi safe", though a return visit in a year is required to ensure that your dog shows continued aversion. A certificate is provided and your dog's ear is tattooed as physical identification (and/or associated with their microchips accepted.)
A token fee of $10 per dog will be charged (with a maximum of $30 for 3 or more dogs per owner.)
This is an affordable way to help safeguard our kiwi and your dog. The certification we provide can be used to take your dog into any kiwi area around the country (may be subject to regional restrictions, talk to the local DOC office first).
Book NOW! To book - or for more information - contact
Rosemary Thompson on (04) 569 4764.
Email enquiries: