Contact Details
Mailing Address:
Remutaka Conservation Trust
PO Box 38-564
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt, 5045
New Zealand
eMail Address: -
For formal Trust correspondence
- For general information and enquiries - If you'd like to volunteer - For
sponsorship and donations - For Kiwi Avoidance Training bookings/ enquiries
Registered Charity #: CC37211
Donations/ Sponsorship and Membership payments to:
Kiwibank: 38 9024 0505274 00
DoC Hotline: 0800 362 468 (For emergencies in the park other than 111 calls)

The Information Kiosk and picnic area at the Catchpool entrance
to the Remutaka Forest Park. There are free gas-fired barbecues and
excellent facilities for families and friends visiting the Park.
Photos credit: PC.